Country Mayors Association


The Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA) has welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement of a new Inquiry into Community Safety in Regional and Rural Communities and is now urging community members to have their say by making a submission. 


The CMA has developed a submission on behalf of its members and made 24 recommendations in relation to policing workforce, domestic violence, youth crime, courts and bail laws, greater supervision of offenders and their bail conditions, legislative review on social media platforms, funding for diversionary programs, establishment of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, review and Doli Incapax. 


In its submission the CMA has also included a list of 21 local government areas where it believes hearings should be held and is urging MPs not to rush the consultation process and instead carefully listen and look for answers to the alarming and ever-increasing rural crime statistics. 


“Now that the NSW Government has agreed to hold a regional crime inquiry and submissions are rolling in, all eyes will be on the four Labor, one Greens, one National Party and one Independent member of parliament that make up the Law and Safety committee who must take their responsibilities seriously and not avoid this important opportunity to make meaningful generational change,” said CMA Chairman Jamie Chaffey. 


“I urge everyone with something to share to make a submission to this inquiry, if you have had a crime committed against you, your loved ones or someone you know or if you have come from another State or Country that has experienced positive change with rural crime, please share your experience and suggestions to Parliament,” he added. 


CMA Deputy Chairman Rick Firman OAM thanked those who have so far contributed submissions; “those of you from our country mayor’s family that have put a submission forward I want to say thank you not only on behalf of the community you represent but all of those communities in rural, regional and remote parts of NSW that need our collective voice to try and arrest this crime problem.” 


Narrandera Shire Council Mayor, Mr Kschenka, has welcomed the inquiry and is encouraging people from organisations and the community to give submissions if they share the same concerns. 


To view the CMA’s Community Safety in Regional and Rural Communities go to: 

The CMA’s current Crime, Law and Order Report is online: 

The submissions deadline for ‘Community Safety in Regional and Rural Communities’ is 31 May 2024. 

For further information, contact: Chairman CMA - Cr Jamie Chaffey on 0467 402 412 or 

Deputy Chairman CMA - Cr Rick Firman OAM on 0429 204 060

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