Next Council Meeting 

  • Ordinary Council Meeting:- 1.30pm Live Public Forum, 2pm Live Meeting Tuesday 18 March 2025.


  • An Ordinary Council meeting will not be held in January each year; however, Mayor can call and Extraordinary meeting should it be considered necessary.
  • December Ordinary Council meeting is brought forward by one week and is scheduled for Wednesday 10 December 2025.
  • NSW Public Health Orders regarding attendance and distancing are subject to Covid-19 restrictions on the day. 

Ordinary Council Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at the Council Chambers, 141 East Street Narrandera. Members of the public are welcome to view the live proceedings from their own device or in person in the gallery in the Chambers.

Public Forum

The Public Forum is prior to the meeting, both ordinary and extraordinary, and its purpose is for matters that do not require a Resolution of Council. The Public Forum is part of the webcast on meeting day.

  • Public Forum - For the purpose of hearing oral submissions from members of the public on items of business to be considered at the meeting.
  • Council Ceremonies - Such as Citizenship, Garden Competition Prizes and Service Awards.
  • Presentations by staff and contractors.

All are welcome to attend the 1.30pm Public Forum.  Concerns can also be submitted in writing. These will be provided to Councillors and acknowledged by the Mayor at the beginning of the Public Forum.

To speak at a Public Forum, a person must first make an application to Council in the approved form that must be received by close of business on the day before the date on which the Public Forum is to be held. The application must identify the business on the agenda of the Council meeting that the person wishes to speak on and whether they wish to speak "for" or "against" the item.  A person may apply to speak on no more than two (2) items of business on the day's agenda. 

At the conclusion of the Public Forum, members of the public are invited to remain to listen/watch the Council Meeting. A copy of the current business paper agenda will be available at the Council Chambers information desk after 3pm Thursday afternoon prior to the meeting for viewing by members of the public. 

If you would like to receive the business papers and minutes electronically each month, please contact Council's Executive Assistant on 02 6959 5500 and provide your e-mail address. 

Unconfirmed minutes will be made available to the public following Council meetings. 


Council Meetings Business Papers


Monthly Council updates: