Christmas Ham Raffles supporting the Narrandera Lizards Junior Rugby League Club

Join the Bidgee Hotel on Sunday 22 December for the Narrandera Lizards Junior Rugby League Christmas Ham Raffles - with 15 hams up for grabs (3 full hams and 12 half legs). Profits from ticket sales will go to the Narrandera Lizards Rugby League Club, so let's make this a day to remember!

Tickets on Sale: 2pm

Raffles Drawn: 4pm

Ticket Prices: 3 for $5 or 6 for $10

Local artists Owen Williams and Bryce Hickson will be playing from 3pm to 6pm. PLUS, Santa will be making a visit from 2pm to 3pm with candy canes for the kids!

159 East Street Narrandera
Contact Details
Bidgee Hotel
02 6959 2011

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